Thursday, February 3, 2011

No Quiet Home

I am a mother of 4. I have two older boys, 10 and 8, and 2 younger girls 3 and 1 1/2. They are wonderful, beautiful kids in whom I really can delight in. They are well-behaved, funny, sweet, and a real blessing.
They can be a challenge though, too. Despite them being well-behaved, they are still children, and energetic with a dollop of crazy.
So, I get frustrated and don't know how to deal with them sometimes. Then I think to myself, "why can't I keep them quiet, why can't it be just calm for a little while in this home, and why can't the kids just play without all the drama?"
Well, I realized, that there is just no getting around a quiet home with 4 kids. You just can't tame and keep all 4 of them quiet at the same time.
I think it's time to just learn to deal with the noise and join them.

Valuing Marriage

I like to get up early in the morning to have coffee, read my Bible, and pray. Lately, I have had a few couples on my heart to pray for and their marriages. Two of them I don't even really know, but they are still struggling with marital issues and I don't care who I pray for, if they need it, then they will get it.
As I was praying, I noticed something (when I pray, it's usually praying-thinking-praying-thinking....I think God is used to that with me,) but I realized that when couples go into a marriage, they don't take it serious enough.

God has made marriage sacred, a privilege, and very important. Yet, society takes it too lightly. It has become so easy to just get a divorce, that marriage is not as big of a commitment as it used to be. I have noticed a pattern in couples that make me realize why divorce comes so easy to them. I believe that it is because they don't value it; they don't see the importance and know what marriage really is. It is a covenant between two people who have decided that they will love each other, and be dedicated to each other for the rest of their lives.

We need to remember, that marriage is of great value! It reflects our "marriage" with our Heavenly Father. Not seeking our own selfish ambitions, but the good of the other. LOVE one another. I mean really, truly love that spouse. Value one another and don't get comfortable with the idea of divorce. Make that a taboo! Don't be a loser. And ultimately, don't let the enemy (the devil) have a foothold in your marriage, but dedicate it to the Lord from the beginning. Cover your children, their marriages, and their future spouses in your prayers.
Remember to value your marriage and learn the importance of it.
Let love be the only option.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Child in Need

Being a mother of four tends to be very exhausting. I hate to admit. So many times my daughter, Lily, wants to play something with me, but it has to be those times when I am the busiest. Go figure. In my heart I want to, but my flesh is either too tired, too busy, or just simply doesn't want to. Most of the time, it's busy. But I realized, that if I can just find a little time to give to her completely, she is a lot more content and I can move on to my business or busy-ness.
It is just like that in a marriage. I expect to have some quality time with my husband, the kind where we are just emerging into each other and not hanging out together watching tv, or reading, but actually talking and sipping on some coffee or tea. It does wonders! It fills up our "love-tank."
It is just as important to fill up her love tank. Just a little time with her each day, to make her feel special and important, as she is, to do something that she wants, the way she wants to, can free me up too. It can be playing, singing her songs, reading her a book, playing outside, painting her toenails, you name it.
She does so much for me. I ask her to clean her toys, she does it. I ask her to keep it quiet cause the baby is sleeping, she does for about a minute and then I have to remind her again, but she does it. I ask her to share a snack with her sister, she is glad's because she loves me and values my requests. So, why couldn't I do the same? I'm not talking about what she needs, but what she wants.
My boys need me just as much. I didn't really think that they did, but I see how much they miss me when they go to school, and ask me to hang out with them in their room at night and just talk, read together, solve riddles, or make up silly songs. I'm safe as long as I don't have to play Star Wars.
The important thing is, that in order to have less need, we have to give more as parents. Soon enough they will need other people in their lives ultimately, their spouses. That's when we will wish to have had a little more time with them. Now is our time...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

They watch us!
They hear every word we say,
They immitate and follow us,
They sense us and know us,
They trust, they remember and expect,
They are scared and hurt for us,
They look up to us and feel us,
They teach and help,
They truly love,
They need,
They complete us.....
Our children.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taraxacum officinale

My son, Caleb, is just like his daddy when it comes to flowers. Everywhere we go he picks me flowers (and sometimes leaves), but I've gotten a lot of different kinds of flowers from him, daddy might have to arm-wrestle him for who has gotten me more.
I try to save all the little flowers he picks me, cause one day I would like to take them out of all my big books, that I let them dry in, and put them into one scrapbook.

Caleb, however, usually picks me......Dandelions. Yes, weeds! I honestly believe that I have the world's largest collection.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) means "lion's teeth." The name derives from the appearance of it's flowers.
The leaves contain high levels of potassium and it is great in reducing high blood pressure. The Dandelion root is one of the most effective detoxifying herbs; it is good for your liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.
So, it is even a healthy flower. I think I'll put it in my salad next time.

You know what, those Dandelions are so special to me! When I see him coming to me smiling and with one in his hands, his anticipation of what my reaction will be, is priceless. He knows he just made me happy and I sure let him know that he did. With a thankful heart I accept, and excited I go put it in one of my books to dry.

Coffee for One

Coffee drinking is huge in this family! Every morning we have a full 12 cup coffee pot brewing. Sometimes Matt's mom makes it and sometimes I do (we live with them at the moment). However, mom and dad are out of town, and my husband is helping a friend move. He had to leave last night and so, I'm by myself with the kids right now. 

So, this morning..... it's just coffee for one.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fourteen Years of Flowers

Flowers are amazing, they are so beautiful!

There is a flower for every personality, every one has their favorite, that describes them. There are millions of them all over the world; different colors, scents, sizes, types, and textures. They surpass the barriers of languages, and they put a smile on everyone's face.

My absolute favorite flower is the "Snowdrop." It is a very small, white flower that grows as soon as spring starts and the snow starts melting. Usually, you can see them grow straight out of the snow. They are so cute and they remind me of my childhood in Hungary and Germany. It was always something I looked forward to at the end of every winter. I have not seen a single one since I came to the States, I don't even know if they grow here or not. I took it for granted then, seeing them all the time and now, I really miss them.
My second favorite would have to be the "Calla Lily." I know that one is very common among the favorites (kind of like the Rose), but let's face it, they are beautiful. I also love Tulips! Unfortunately, they don't last long and the season of them is short, too.
So, there you have it, my 3 favorites.

People get flowers for all kinds of different reasons, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, and even funerals. There are many reasons to get flowers; people have come up with all kinds of them.
Me, I get them from my husband for absolutely no reason at all. As soon as the last flowers wilt, I already have a new set to replace them on my table. They could be store bought, delivered or picked, I've had them every which way. From Roses and Lilies and Orchids, to Tulips and Daisies and Daffodils. I've had so many different kinds, but every one of them has been very special, even the ones that wilted quickly--I love them all!!

These Daffodils are my most recent ones Matty picked for me.