Thursday, February 3, 2011

No Quiet Home

I am a mother of 4. I have two older boys, 10 and 8, and 2 younger girls 3 and 1 1/2. They are wonderful, beautiful kids in whom I really can delight in. They are well-behaved, funny, sweet, and a real blessing.
They can be a challenge though, too. Despite them being well-behaved, they are still children, and energetic with a dollop of crazy.
So, I get frustrated and don't know how to deal with them sometimes. Then I think to myself, "why can't I keep them quiet, why can't it be just calm for a little while in this home, and why can't the kids just play without all the drama?"
Well, I realized, that there is just no getting around a quiet home with 4 kids. You just can't tame and keep all 4 of them quiet at the same time.
I think it's time to just learn to deal with the noise and join them.


  1. Here's to the noise!

    I hear ya, girl. I love peace and quiet but don't get it very often. I bet when the kids are grown we'll be fondly missing all the sounds that tend to drive us crazy now. :)

  2. We'll have to call each other when that happens and drive each other crazy somehow.
