Thursday, February 3, 2011

Valuing Marriage

I like to get up early in the morning to have coffee, read my Bible, and pray. Lately, I have had a few couples on my heart to pray for and their marriages. Two of them I don't even really know, but they are still struggling with marital issues and I don't care who I pray for, if they need it, then they will get it.
As I was praying, I noticed something (when I pray, it's usually praying-thinking-praying-thinking....I think God is used to that with me,) but I realized that when couples go into a marriage, they don't take it serious enough.

God has made marriage sacred, a privilege, and very important. Yet, society takes it too lightly. It has become so easy to just get a divorce, that marriage is not as big of a commitment as it used to be. I have noticed a pattern in couples that make me realize why divorce comes so easy to them. I believe that it is because they don't value it; they don't see the importance and know what marriage really is. It is a covenant between two people who have decided that they will love each other, and be dedicated to each other for the rest of their lives.

We need to remember, that marriage is of great value! It reflects our "marriage" with our Heavenly Father. Not seeking our own selfish ambitions, but the good of the other. LOVE one another. I mean really, truly love that spouse. Value one another and don't get comfortable with the idea of divorce. Make that a taboo! Don't be a loser. And ultimately, don't let the enemy (the devil) have a foothold in your marriage, but dedicate it to the Lord from the beginning. Cover your children, their marriages, and their future spouses in your prayers.
Remember to value your marriage and learn the importance of it.
Let love be the only option.


  1. Petra, you are such a great example of a loving prayerful wife and mother.
    You are right, it's easy to forget to value each other when society tells us to value ourselves and our desires. Thankfully, God gives us a better way.

  2. Thanks Melissa. I'm sorry I keep replying to your comments so late, but I didn't even know I had comments.
