Friday, February 5, 2010

Cinderella--The Ultimate Princess

Once upon a time there were no Disney Princesses to rule the kingdom of the screens, but thanks to Snow White it all started in 1937.

Snow White was a very sweet, gentle, fragile little princess who had the sweetest little voice. She was a hard worker, all the animals loved her, not to mention the seven Dwarfs, and she had a handsome prince to come to her rescue when she was sleeping into her death after she was beguiled by the evil queen. Oh, the infamous apple!

Next came Cinderella in 1950. She was also a sweet and hard working princess, who even had to put up with two evil step-sisters and a step-mother. How many of us ladies would be able to deal with just one woman telling us what to do? My point exactly!

Then there was Sleeping Beauty, 1959. Aurora, she was pretty, lived in a cute little cottage with 3 fairies, but you don't get to see much of her in the movie, cause she gets snatched up by a dragon queen who puts her to sleep. So, that one I couldn't really enjoy as much. The prince was all right. Aurora's dress kept changing colors, which made me think that the director didn't know what color her dress should be so he went with all the colors of the rainbow.

The Little Mermaid a.k.a. Ariel came out in 1989. Loved it!! The graphics changed (after Disney's death, I assume). She had big eyes, her daddy was the man, she had the prettiest voice and to her advantage she was a rebel. The prince, however, is not my type. His head was a little big and he looked dazed. Oh yeah, he was put in a trance by the ugly octopus queen turned princess, who stole Ariel's voice. I did love the little "shalla la la la la" frogs!

Aaah, Beauty and the Beast...1991. That one was one I could watch over and over. Belle, I think, had one of the prettiest voices, she was a dreamer, a toughie, loved her daddy, and was the 'oh so romantic' prisoner of the Beast. Once again, the prince was....hmmm, ok. I think he looked a little gay.

After that came Aladdin in 1992. Jasmin was an Arabian Princess, she was feisty and adventurous, but the movie wasn't really about her, it was about Aladdin. She wasn't anyone I could relate to.

Pocahontas came out in 1995 (quite a few years later). It was ok, John Smith was ok, but he wasn't her prince. In real life she married John Rolfe.....NEXT..... Mulan, 1998. Warrior princess....forgetable.

Now back to what I was trying to write about all along.
If someone asked you,"who is the ultimate Princess," what would your answer be? I'd have to say, Cinderella. She is the Ultimate Princess!!! She is beautiful, she was a faithful servant, she has a pretty voice, her prince is the most handsome out of all the others, he can dance, she can dance, and she has the coolest carriage made out of a pumpkin. It is the "rags to riches" story.
Now, the drum roll, please......her pretty, sparkly, light blue dress, it is gorgeous! Every girl's fantasy. Thank you Fairy Godmother, you are the best!

Who wouldn't want to have a Cinderella story of their own? I think many of us have one or want one, especially with a prince to sweep you off your feet and change your life forever. So, ladies, just say the magic words....Bippity Boppity Boo!


  1. LOVE it!! :) I always liked Sleeping Beauty for some reason...Maybe because her Prince really had to fight for her...Beauty and the Beast was one of my faves but I agree the Beast looked a little off or sleepy.hahaa

  2. I like Sleeping Beauty, too, but I wish she wouldn't have slept through the whole movie. I've also always liked Snow White, but when you ask people about Disney Princesses, I think most people think of Cinderella. She is probably the most popular.
