Friday, January 22, 2010


According to many researchers we need to drink 8, 8oz. glasses of water per day. Sometimes that is possible, especially if you just had the #1 Burrito/Taco Supreme meal at Taco Bell, or if you just worked out like Jillian Michaels. I noticed, though, that drinking that much is really hard to do. There are people who are thirsty all the time and there are those who are not. I'm one of the 'not'.  Unless I eat something salty, I don't really drink much. I believe that my body will tell me when I need fluids and when I don't. So, to force myself to drink so much when my body is not craving it, is silly to me. If I drink a lot of milk, my body needs calcium. If I crave a lot of garlic, I need an antibacterial. If I crave chocolate, I need vitamin B, the list can go on.  In my opinion, it will be just a matter of time before researchers realize that drinking so much water can be too overwhelming for your kidneys. Just give it about 10 years.

1 comment:

  1. I am one of the weird ones I am ALWAYS thirsty and drink about 120 oz of water a day! Plus coffeee and juice. Yes we go trough lots of TP hahahaa
